Peer Review Process

The Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences values innovation, inclusion, and integrity above all else. Each item that is submitted for publication undergoes an editorial review conducted by two members of the editorial team, in consultation with experts when necessary. After passing this review, depending on the nature of the item it will continue to publication or undergo a more thorough peer review. Due to the multidimensional nature of the items accepted for publication, review practices are not uniform, but fluid. Peer review will be conducted based on the item type, background of submitter, and nature of the content.

When applicable, peer reviews will be double-blind, with the reviewer(s) remaining anonymous after publication. To credit students for their work as peer reviewers, all student peer reviewers will be listed below once they have completed their term as a reviewer. Our goal is to provide students with an opportunity not only to publish their work, but to learn more about the publishing process. Therefore, our reviewers will almost always be students.

All items accepted for publication must however fit the below mentioned requirements:

  • The submission must be the original work created by the submitter
  • The submission must not be previously published
  • The author must retain the copyright to the submission
  • The submission must be created by a member of the veteran community of Texas State University: this includes students, staff, faculty, and immediate family members
  • The submission must align with the values and ethics standards set by the journal. Further guidelines can be found under "Submission Guidance".

We recognize that peer review might look different for different types of work and reserve the right to apply various peer review processes to work submitted to the Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences.

Please contact our journal team if you have any questions or are interested in serving as a peer reviewer:

More Information

Texas State University student Veterans in plain clothes walking carring various American and American military flags.
Aims and Scope

The Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences (JIVE) is an innovative journal that is designed to serve the student veteran population at Texas State University. The journal will publish regular editions that highlight scholarly and creative works by students who have served in the Armed Forces.

Image of the Texas State University World Ward II Veterans Memorial.
Submission Guidance

We aim to capture the full spectrum of veteran experiences. Learn more about how you can submit your work to the Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences.

Image of students holding Army flag outside. Army flag features a blue US War OFfice Seal set on a white background, underneath is a scroll bearing an inscription UNITED STATES ARMY, followed by the date 1775.
Peer Review Process

Learn about the peer review process your work will undergo when you submit it to our journal.

Close-up image of a person's back wearing a red t-shirt that says VETERAN TEXAS STATE.

Learn more about the policies in place to protect our author's rights and their work, ensure accessibility, and academic best practices.




Prize ($USD)

Expression Genres

What makes this journal unique is our deep expertise to showcase works across many genres using state-of-the-science technology. We can meet you where you are, at your creative outlets, amplifying your voice.

Written Works
3D Arts
Audio Arts